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Kru Ant is 40 years old, weighs 75kg, and hails from Surin Province. Known by the fighting name Prakarn Nor, he trained at Keaw Gym in Bangkok.
Total Fights: 225 Wins: 185 Losses: 40 Coaching Role:
Kru Ant has a wealth of experience, having fought in 225 matches. He works with Nak Muay of all abilities, with a particular talent for working effectively with younger students.
Kru Ant is 40 years old, weighs 75kg, and hails from Surin Province. Known by the fighting name Prakarn Nor, he trained at Keaw Gym in Bangkok.
Total Fights: 225 Wins: 185 Losses: 40 Coaching Role:
Kru Ant has a wealth of experience, having fought in 225 matches. He works with Nak Muay of all abilities, with a particular talent for working effectively with younger students.